Strange xD / Streynsch xD
zwischenstck 40

_about _identity_about_strange_rs_and_other_impulses

Exhibition project in cooperation with GEDOK Stuttgart /

Rathaus Göppingen, Atrium, (2015) /Heilig-Geist-Spital Ravensburg (2014) / E-WERK Freiburg (2014) /KUNSTBEZIRK Galerie Stuttgart (2013)

I developed this project and started it with a topic related internet discussion. Extracts of this discussion forum are part of the installation 'ProjektForum'.
Artistic works come also from Julia Wenz, Eva Paulitsch + Uta Weyrich and a project group of the Academy of Arts Stuttgart (Prof. Birgit Brenner class).

str 01 k  str 02 k  str 03 k

str 04 k  str 05 k  str 06 k

str 07 k  str 08 k  str 09 k

str 10 k  str 11 k  str 12 k

str 13 k  str 14 k

"Strange xD / Streynsch xD" is a pilot project within the scope of "Vielfalt gefällt! 60 Ort der Integration", a program of the Baden-Württemberg foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of integration Baden-Württemberg.

Sponsored by Baden-Württemberg Foundation,  Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG and the LBBW Foundation